2023/24 School Year Wrap Up
Is anyone else looking at the calendar wondering how in the world it is already the end of June? Myself and the rest of the Focus on Nature team sure are! The months of September- June seem to fly by particularly fast. We move from our fall to winter, to spring workshop seasons in the blink of an eye, with new schools, new staff, and new ideas constantly coming and going.
When school is out, the excitement begins for everyone! Teachers get to enjoy some time off, students get a break from their school routines, and Focus on Nature begins the summer camp season. Summer brings hot, humid days, but also allows us to enjoy the sun for a little longer each day, and provides the opportunity to have fun doing activities that can only be done in the sun!
The 2023/2024 school year was so much fun and so many new memories have been made. We had some amazing workshop leaders this year, were able to conduct workshops in so many schools we had not visited before, and even visited multiple classrooms more than once!
We cannot forget to mention the students and the impressive nature shots they took this school year! See some of these cool photos below. The students and youth are the ones that keep Focus on Nature running! Our workshops are for the students; to keep them learning new things, interacting with the outdoors, and discovering that they are capable of so much more than they realize.
Additionally, we want to say thank you to the following organizations for their donations that have allowed us to give low-income schools the opportunity to have a Focus on Nature workshop in their classrooms at no cost.
Waterloo Region Community Foundation
Acton Rotary Club
Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium
Skyline Wealth Management
Rotary Club of Guelph South
Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation
TELUS Friendly Future Foundation
Overall, this year of workshops, photos, nature sculptures, fun, and memories are ones that will not be forgotten. A huge thank you to teachers, students, school board members, Focus on Nature staff, donors, and community members for making this year not only possible- but one that will be talked about for years to come.
School will inevitably start up again in September, but in the meantime, enjoy the sunny summer weather! Get out there with your cameras and nature eye and capture the essence and beauty the natural world has to offer. In fact, our summer campers will be doing just that! Speaking of which, there are still some spots left in Guelph, Oakville, and Hamilton. Click here to claim your spot!
Already thinking about the 2024/2025 school year? So are we! Click here to book your workshop!