Hello London & Oxford County!

If you have been following what's been going on here at Focus on Nature, you probably know that we expanded to the Niagara region last spring. That expansion was extremely successful and allowed us to connect an even greater number of children to nature. With that being said, our team here at Focus on Nature brainstormed where we would like to expand to next with our brand new set of cameras. Keep reading to discover where we are now!

We are so excited to say that we have expanded to London and Oxford County! This area is local to both our Operations Manager Sarah- and myself, Abby the current administrative assistant. The workshops booked are being facilitated by Sarah with some guest appearances from Abby. Our entire team is so excited to give back to these communities and see the beauty through a lens that children in this area see!

Focus on Nature was able to make their debut in these regions in London, at St. Martin's Catholic Elementary School. This workshop was so much fun and emphasized the importance of children’s interaction with the natural world around them. See some photos captured at this workshop below! 

Expanding to regions around Ontario is truly a privilege and allows our team, students and teachers to see the unique beauty that each region has to offer. If you do not see your region on the booking page of our website, please feel free to reach out to us!

As the school year continues, we have an increasing number of workshops bookings coming in from all regions and we cannot wait to visit each and every classroom! If you or someone you know may be interested in our workshops please spread the word! Help us in connecting our young people with nature! 


Why You Should Try Nature Photography


Fall Photography